Project Description:
This grant will pay for new optometric equipment and a new adjustable chair, lamp and projector.
The new equipment will improve quality and efficiency by allowing staff to identify and treat more vision problems onsite rather than making outside referrals. More up-to-date transportable equipment will support the clinic’s ability to meet an increase in demand for offsite services.
Vision services provided by the Santa Barbara Vision Care Program and Clinic help children function more effectively in school, improve employment prospects and performance for adults and allow seniors to live more independently. People who cannot afford eye care face significant daily challenges and are at greater risk of vision impairment and eventual blindness.
Although SEE is known for its international eye care services, it also offers free vision services in its SBVCP clinic located in Goleta. Since the mid-1980s, SBVCP has provided comprehensive eye exams, glasses and medicine at no cost to low-income children and adults. SBVCP also participates in community vision screening events at local schools, senior centers and veterans’ facilities.