2nd Story Associates
Provide an on-site case management and health support team for low-income seniors.
2019-20 - $ 100,000
In celebrating 20 years of service this year, the Women's Fund of Santa Barbara is pleased to have awarded 152 grants totaling $11.6 million.
We are proud to have partnered with 72 hard-working, local, nonprofits. Together we are investing in a better future for the people and communities of south Santa Barbara County.
Provide an on-site case management and health support team for low-income seniors.
2019-20 - $ 100,000
Provides furnishings for 28 apartments housing chronically homeless people
2022-23 - $ 50,000
Expand the Peace Builders program to prevent bullying at three additional junior high schools.
2016-17 - $ 70,000
Program director to help high-risk youth make healthy choices and avoid gang involvement.
2008-09 - $ 65,000
Purchase a wheelchair accessible van for clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities to participate in off-campus community activities.
2018-19 - $ 65,000
Improves safety and access for clients with disabilities by installing air conditioning and automated doors
2022-23 - $ 140,000
Increases understanding of Alzheimer’s and dementia within the Latino community
2022-23 - $ 30,000
Salary for a licensed social worker to recruit and support 20 additional foster families, doubling the number of infants and toddlers placed in 2007.
2007-08 - $ 85,000
Computer system to aid in providing peer support and information to cancer patients and their families.
2008-09 - $ 30,000