The Goleta/Isla Vista area has one of the highest concentrations of children living below the poverty line in Santa Barbara County. Isla Vista Youth Projects (IVYP), founded in 1971, provides comprehensive assistance to children and families regardless of income, strengthening over 3,000 families annually with needed support and services. In 2008, seeing that unstable housing and food insecurity were making it difficult for many children to do well in school, IVYP and the Goleta Union School District (GUSD) began a Family Advocate program in three GUSD schools with preschools. This program, started initially with a Women’s Fund grant, helps low-income parents access public resources for food aid, health care and cash assistance. Based on the program’s success, GUSD asked IVYP to expand these services to more schools. This grant will fund IVYP's program expansion by adding another Family Advocate to serve in three additional Title One elementary schools. With these resources, families will be able to provide a more stable foundation to help their children succeed in school.