Catholic Charities of Santa Barbara (CCSB) has worked to strengthen self-sufficiency and prevent hunger and homelessness in the community since 1924. Services are available regardless of race, creed, or gender. The CCSB Thrift Store generates income to fund its wide-range of social services programs. Low-cost clothes and household items are available to low-income individuals and are free to those who cannot pay through CCSB’s monthly voucher program. In 2018, CCSB distributed over 20,000 vouchers for clothing, household items and food. The store’s 50-year-old roof is badly leaking, causing damage to income-producing inventory and interior floors. This grant will pay for a new 40-year Thrift Store roof and repairs to the water-damaged floor. A new Thrift Store roof will protect the availability of clothes and household goods the community relies on and produce needed operating income for CCSB’s extensive community support programs.