New Website: A small group of Women's Fund members has been working over the summer to prepare our new website: Rachael Steidl, chair, Carol Palladini, Jo Gifford, Parm Williams, Karen Robinson, Melissa Brooks, Kay Bruce, and Santa Barbara Foundation Communications Director, Suzanne Farwell. Thanks to these women, especially Rachael as she has been the only member who has had any experience creating websites and, thus, has been invaluable. Special thanks go to the Short Term Projects Women's Fund members who provided input for the site: Elly Bajor, Nancy Boger, Deanna Dehlsen, Lauren Eastman, Mary Ann Froley, Bobbi Kroot, Carolyn Novick, Maryan Schall, Kay Stern, Patty Zucherman. 3rd Annual Site Visit on September 27. If you have not received your invitation but plan to attend, please contact the Santa Barbara Foundation at 963-1873. This year you can bring a friend. Site Visit Chairs Jan Baxter and Carole MacElhenny have prepared a wonderful program. Below are pictures from last year's Site Visit: women picnicking in the park and listening to a presentation, Carole MacElhenny who planned the visit, and Susan Young from the Twelve25 Teen Center.  Oversight Committee: has been busy writing "Thank Yous" to all the wonderful new and renewing members. Kudos to Fritzie Yamin and her writers Carol Betker and Doloras Manclark. Research Committee: presented a knockout panel discussion on "Prevention" in May. The committee is busy finding critical needs in our community for 2007 grants. The process has been streamlined so that our grass-roots research is thorough, but easy to do. Read more below. Women's Fund Honored: At its 2007 Shining Light luncheon in May, the Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center honored the Women's Fund for the grant helping them to remodel and furnish new headquarters. Our $100,000 gift was the largest they have ever received. Pictured are Women's Fund members who attended the luncheon. Mid-Term Reports: Judy Stapelmann has taken care of the mid-term reports from our 2006 recipients. All is going well with CALM, SBRCC, and CADA as they use the funds given. The CASA headquarters relocation has been moved back because of construction delays. Thanks to Judy and also to Melissa Brooks who took these mid-term reports and, in turn, wrote the Women's Fund mid-term report for the Orfalea Fund who gave us a generous $225,000 grant in 2006. New Feature! Each month we will highlight one of our recipients in Gifts in Action (click to read). This month we feature the Youth Service System of the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. Read how two teens have been helped with their critical problems through this program. Each One Reach One Challenge: With the coming of autumn, the Women's Fund of Santa Barbara enters our home stretch for membership and growing the Fund. See below for membership update.
Hope you will take time to look through the new Women's Fund website. Let us know your comments and suggestions!
Jo Gifford 2007 Oversight Committee Chair
Thank you to all who have already renewed and filled in the “Areas of Interest” for the Research Committee. This year the focus areas are: Family Support Services, Housing and Poverty, and Education for Success and Empowerment.
To date, the Women’s Fund has received nearly $250,000 and has grown to 275 members. With the Orfalea Fund match, that is $500,000 (!) to help women, children and families on the South Coast. And there are still four more months for members to renew and new members to join.
Please invite a friend to join the Fund and sit with you at the Presentation of Funds on Monday, January 28, 2008.
“The key to prevention is mentoring families to get to the root of problems,” remarked Cam Sanchez, Santa Barbara City Chief of Police, during the recent panel discussion sponsored by the Women’s Fund Research Committee.
Six panelists discussed issues regarding agency programs for prevention of various social problems in our community. “How are we supporting families so they can raise kids with less problems?” asked Ruthie Tremmel, Executive Director for Girls Inc. Carpinteria.
When there is a crisis, we all want to come to the rescue. But to prevent a crisis is “predicting what doesn’t happen,” said Anna Kokotovic, CALM Executive Director.
“Prevention programs seem expensive short term, but save lots in the long term,” observed Scott McCann, Vice President of Education for Planned Parenthood. One study concludes that for every dollar spent on family planning education, four dollars are saved through the years! Rounding out the panel were Nancy Ranck, Executive Director of Family Service Agency, and Charles Caldwell, Special Projects Director for United Way.
The panelists described characteristics for a good prevention program: early intervention, long term, comprehensive, and personal, consistent involvement.
Panelists agreed that not only outreach programs are needed but also “inreach” programs, going into the homes and families of at-risk youth and helping these families find available program services to help them deal with their problems.
Panelists also agreed that more tracking of prevention programs is critical. Prevention works best by supporting families with education, assisting parents in navigating available services, and helping families connect with the community.