- Annual Education Panel
Making Smart Funding Decisions Thursday, April 17 Santa Barbara Foundation
- Membership Letters
to be sent April 18
Mark Your Calendars for... Monday, February 9, 2009
Presentation of Funds: John and Meredith Scott will once again be our hosts at the El Paseo restaurant. Note: this is two weeks later than previous presentation luncheons.
End of Year Reports: Thanks to Melissa Brooks for collecting the year-end accountability reports from our four 2006 recipients. Just as she did for the mid-term accountability reports, she then compiled them into our year-end reports for the Orfalea Fund to account for its 2006 matching grant to the Women's Fund. The Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA), Child Abuse Listening and Mediation (CALM), and the Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center have completely used our one-year grants for the purposes given. Because of delays by the County of Santa Barbara, the Court Appointed Special Advocates, (CASA) has not been able to begin capital improvements for its new headquarters. We will keep you posted.
Agencies Receive 2007 Grant Checks: A perk for members of the Research Committee is to personally deliver the checks to our recipients. See the happy pictures below!
Storyteller Children's Center kicked off its expansion campaign with Melissa Brooks representing the Fund for this exciting event. At the new facility, the 2007 Women's Fund grant will be used for the Math and Language Arts Center ($100,000) and the Creative Arts Center ($50,000).
Congrats to the Twelve35 Teen Center celebrating its one-year anniversary this month. In 2006 the Women’s Fund granted $90,000 for equipment and furnishings, thus helping to give Santa Barbara’s teens a safe haven.
Gifts in Action: Below is a touching story from 2007 recipient Angels Foster Care that demonstrates what our giving is all about.
Hope to see you at the Research Committee's Panel Discussion Making Smart Funding Decisions on Thursday, April 17.
Jo Gifford, Co-Chair 2008 Oversight Committee
2007 Recipients Receive Grants

 Clockwise from left: 1. Members Sarah de Tagyos and Meredith Scott pose with Archie, the mascot for Casa Pacifica, after they presented the check to Executive Director Steve Elson. 2. From left, Girls' Inc. Executive Director Monica Spears and Board President Barbara Levi received the check from members Stina Hans and Kathryn Calise. 3. From left, Storyteller Children's Center Executive Director Terri Allison received the check from members Judy McKee and Melissa Brooks. 4. Members Melissa Brooks and Sarah de Tagyos presented the check to Angels Foster Care Executive Director Meichelle Arntz, center. 5. From left, Family Service Agency Board President Marni Cooney and Executive Director Bill Batty received the check from members Shirley Ann Hurley and Stina Hans. 6. Transition House Board President Laurie Tumbler and Executive Director Kathleen Baushke received the check from Regina Roney and Stina Hans. Isla Vista Youth Projects and People's Self Help Housing have also received checks.
GIFTS IN ACTION: A Baby's Life Saved by Angels
Born eight weeks early, “Nicole” weighed less than four pounds and suffered prenatal drug exposure. Her parents struggled with meth-amphetamine abuse, and Child Welfare Services asked Angels Foster Care to help Nicole.
Angels told “Stacy and Mike” about this little girl in the hospital neonatal unit who needed them. Stacy and Mike agreed immediately to help. When they went to the hospital and saw her tiny body and beautiful eyes, they melted, scooped her up and have loved her for over a year. Stacy and Mike braved the courts, an unknown outcome and kept their focus on Nicole. They supported visits from the birth parents struggling to gain stability and sobriety. Nicole thrived and bonded with her Angel’s foster family. After time, laughter, and tears, Nicole is being adopted by her Angel’s family.
Nicole’s life is saved. She developed normally and became a secure, happy baby because of foster parents like Stacy and Mike who risk a broken heart to help a child in need.