10th Annual Women's Fund Site Visit Wednesday, October 8, 1:00 - 5:30
This popular annual event gives WF members and their guests an opportunity to witness first-hand the impact our collective donations are having on the nine nonprofit agencies that received $550,000 in Women's Fund grants last April.
The Site Visit will offer an afternoon bus tour to selected agencies, a chance to hear how our most recent grant recipients are making a difference in this community and a social time at the closing reception for members, guests and grantees.

Guests are Welcome!Because this is such a powerful learning experience, we hope you'll bring a friend - or two or three - who may be interested in learning more about the Women's Fund. Watch for your invitation in the September Women's Fund newsletter with registration details for you and your guest(s).
$20 ContributionWe are asking each attending WF member to help cover Site Visit costs by contributing $20 at registration on the day of the event. All guests of WF members are welcome free of charge!