Vicki joined the Women’s Fund in 2021. Rural southeastern Michigan is home to several generations of her family. While attending Michigan State University, a Parks and Recreation professor provided a path to seasonal work in a western national park, launching Vicki’s 33-year federal land management career. Completing requirements for a BS and MS in Park Management, Vicki then worked in recreation, wilderness, and land management positions with the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service in Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Arizona and California. Several career breaks occurred after meeting and marrying Bill Ringer, as his aviation and marketing skills lead to eight years residing in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. As an expatriate, Vicki volunteered with several organizations, edited a magazine, served on and chaired committees, and filled board positions. Arriving in Santa Barbara in 2001, Vicki worked for Los Padres National Forest until 2022. She participates in book clubs, tennis teams, Santa Barbara Club events, an international organization providing grants to support women and children, and enjoys yoga, pickle ball and hiking.