Diane is a retired Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has provided psychotherapy in private practice and community health centers. Among her community projects as an LCSW, she led a community task force on alcohol abuse among expat teens in Singapore, and founded a bereavement support group for young widows/widowers in Florida. She is a founding member of Maverick Collective, a women’s philanthropy group organized to benefit women and girls in developing countries. Through MC, she sponsored a pilot project in Senegal to reduce maternal mortality, and helped launch a women’s health center in Honduras. In conjunction with Vital Voices in New York, MC members funded the airlift of women activists out of Afghanistan after the collapse of the government in August 2021. Diane’s daughter was diagnosed In 2014 with idiopathic hypersomnia (IH), a chronic neurological sleep disorder. People with IH suffer from persistent, overwhelming daytime sleepiness, which is not alleviated by a full night’s sleep or napping. Soon after, Diane joined the Board of a nonprofit, The Hypersomnia Foundation. She served as Board Chair and CEO for several years before retiring in January 2022. Diane and her husband live in Santa Barbara and San Francisco. In addition to their daughter in LA, they have a son in Boston. Diane is delighted to be a member of The Women’s Fund and is excited to co-chair the COG.