The Women’s Fund recently received this note from Teresa Alvarez, Executive Director of Carpinteria Children’s Project. CCP most recently received a grant in 2020-2021 to sustain their programs during the pandemic.
“I couldn't be prouder of this little face. He represents the culmination of my personal and professional efforts for the past five years - my oldest son graduated from preschool at CCP today! This is our first class to graduate from our 100% dual language English-Spanish immersion preschool. As much as I'll miss seeing him on campus every day, I'm confident he and his little buddies are ready for the adventures of kindergarten."
"Seeing these tiny people in blue with their crowd of supporters is one of my favorite parts of working with the children and families at Carpinteria Children's Project. Every child benefits from the ecosystem of support created here in Carpinteria by donors and supporters like you. You are truly paving the way for our city's leaders and citizens of tomorrow!
In partnership with their parents, our staff have given them the brightest start full of cognitive and social development. Even though we say goodbye for now, our families know that the Family Resource Center is always there for them. Whether it's for fun classes and events or in the frantic times of crisis, our families know and trust that CCP will connect them to what they need.
You make this possible. From the bottom of my heart as both a mama and a director-- thank you.”
Teresa Alvarez
Executive Director
Carpinteria Children’s Project